Contact Me

The quickest way to contact Dean Richardson for a counselling appointment is to use the contact form below.

Dean is able to respond to you more swiftly than by telephone messages… and usually within 2 working days.

Lead-time & Emergencies: It usually takes about a week to arrange a first appointment. If you need to meet with Dean immediately (or “tomorrow” etc) then it’s possible that you are seeking a service not provided by Dean. If you need to speak to someone right now, consider contacting The Samaritans:

Emailing Dean: the swiftest way is using the contact email/form below. Your message will reach Dean quickly and he can respond to you in confidence (usually within 2-working days).

Telephone: Dean’s 24-hour answering service (02392 987 487) will take longer to get in contact with you, as returning calls can be a little hit-and-miss.  If he has not been able to return your telephone call after two attempts he will not try again unless he hears back from you.

Contact Form.

Due to email SPAM problems, I have moved my contact form to my other website at – this way you get a consistent service & better chance of receiving my replies (sometimes filtered away by Hotmail, GMail etc). Click the button to be transferred to


Appointments for Counselling
Day of WeekTimes of Day
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Dean is not available from Monday 17th February to Sunday 23rd February (inclusive).

Due to a busy time few appointments are currently available. Cases do conclude from time to time and you're welcome to reserve your preferred appointments for when they become available (get in touch…).